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Corporate responsibility

Our forever and right now approach informs our day-to-day actions and our long-term view for the development, sustainability, and governance of Markel as one of the world's great companies.

From governance, to our people, to our communities, and our environment, we take the role of corporate citizen seriously.

Corporate responsibility is the Markel Style

At Markel, our belief in forever means an enduring commitment to help our customers, colleagues, and shareholders win in the longest term. Of necessity, this also means sustainable service to our communities and the environment. Across our three engines of insurance, investments, and ventures, our dedication to corporate responsibility consistently reflects the guidance of our corporate compass, the Markel Style.
Documents laying on a keyboard

Our governance

Our creed is honesty and fairness in all our dealings. We are focused on sustainably growing the financial value of our company through product and investment portfolios that are balanced, diversified, and built for the long term.
Volunteers wearing Markel shirts

Our communities

We demonstrate a commitment to our communities, encouraging volunteerism and supporting the causes important to our colleagues and that align with the Markel Style.
Blurred image of people walking outside

Our people

We hold the individual’s right to self-determination in the highest light, providing an atmosphere in which members of our team can reach their personal potential.
Aerial view of suspended bridge

Our environment

We look for a better way to do things. Because we care deeply about the future and how our actions today affect our world tomorrow, we seek to reduce our environmental impact and be good stewards in all we do.
Markel employee smiling and talking on phone

Investor relations

Our long-term view makes us adaptable, flexible, and able to weather circumstances beyond our control.